Using Stanalone Vst Plugins In Cubase

Using Stanalone Vst Plugins In Cubase

  1. Using Standalone Vst Plugins In Cubase Plugins
  2. Using Standalone Vst Plugins In Cubase Software
  3. Using Standalone Vst Plugins In Cubase Pro

But now i can't because in plugin information the moved (or removed) the vst plugins.

Using Standalone Vst Plugins In Cubase Plugins

  • This topic has 36 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 months, 1 week ago by .
  • Over the last few months I’ve again and again tried to get Ctrlr working in Cubase, but to no avail. If I’m doing something dumb then feel free to tell me!

    I’m using the MKS-80 panel as a relatively ‘simple’ example (though I don’t understand why it has to be set to ‘0’ to control MIDI Channel 1, but let’s leave that…)

    In standalone I can get Ctrlr working just fine. I assign the input and output MIDI ports, so that my controller keyboard can play the MKS-80 and the panel’s controls work as they should. This all works fine. No problems here.

    Then I use Ctrlr as a plug-in inside Cubase 9.5…

    No matter what I do to create the input and output MIDI ports I get a ‘cannot open’ error. I’m guessing this is because the ports are assigned to Cubase, so Ctrlr isn’t allowed access to them. Fair enough.

    So I try to set Ctrlr to simply pass host input to host output. This is allowed (no errors), and my controller keyboard is passed through such that I can play the synth, but I can’t get anything to come from the Panel’s controls. I can move all the controls, but they generate absolutely no MIDI data to the synth.

    I have one Cubase Instrument Track set as Ctrlr with my controller keyboard set as input, and a second MIDI Track set to take the output from the Ctrlr track as input and my MKS-80 as output. I can play the synth, but none of the panel’s controls do anything.

    Needless to say that I’ve played with every option I can find, all to no avail. I’ve run both 5.4.11 and 5.5.2 (I managed to suss the broken display parameters myself with a bit of trial and error), but neither works.

    The only documentation I can find here relates to standalone, but I have that side of things working – and it goes into detail about creating my own panels, which I won’t be doing.

    If I’m doing something wrong I really don’t know what it is! Please heeeeeeelp!!!!!!

    Could it be because the panel is coded to use a particular midi channel? I had a similar experience with another panel, the Kiwi-3P, and spent a while trying to figure out the same thing before remembering I had read on the posts related to that panel about the midi channel being set to use Midi channel 1 only, and since I had previously set up my Kiwi Technics modded JX-3P on channel 3 it wasnt working no matter what I did.

    Check the code of the panel you are using to see if it is set on a specific channel, or email the developer of the panel to see if he can help.

    Good luck and let us know what the reason was if you do find out 🙂

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by .

    On Windows you can’t share the same port with different apps if your MIDI interface drivers aren’t multi client. Your options are:
    Change the MIDI interface to one with multi client capabilities.
    Use virtual midi ports.
    Disable in Cubase the MIDI port used with Ctrlr.

    Yes, it is a Windows sharing thing. You are answering your question.

    It’s just that Ctrlr cannot access any port that is referenced in Cubase’s MIDI Device Manager. If I remove the reference then Ctrlr accesses the port just fine.

    Ctrlr needs it’s own ports, so you have two apps trying to access the same port, Cubase and Ctrlr. If the ports were multi client, you could use the same port with Cubase and Ctrlr.

    I can’t help you with Cubase, but have you tried to use “input from plugin host” and “output to plugin host” and not selecting any midi in/out device?

    To my knowledge when you talk about the plugin version of Ctrlr it does not matter if you have a multiclient capable midi interface. The DAW and the Ctrlr plugin won’t ever be able to use both the same port. That’s why the options “Output to plugin host” and “Input from host” are there. Unfortunately in Cubase “Output to host” does not work. The only DAW I know that this works somewhat as expected is Reaper.

    With my SuperJX v4.x panel the plugin version of Ctrlr won’t give you any advantages compared to the standalone version. Well, except parameter automation. Ctrlr standalone works well in parallel with any DAW as long as you have a multiclient midi interface. Btw. on Mac all interfaces are multiclient. So I would recommend you to try out Ctrlr standalone.

    To my knowledge when you talk about the plugin version of Ctrlr it does not matter if you have a multiclient capable midi interface. The DAW and the Ctrlr plugin won’t ever be able to use both the same port.

    As I have no multi client midi interface I can’t test it by myself, but this contradicts this post:

    Windows XP/ Ableton 8.1

    Midiman midisport 2X2: supports multiclient (selecting the midi out in ableton preferences as in the plugin)

    RME Fireface midi: does not support multiclient. (selecting the CTRLR midi out will cause an error openDevice hardware failed if it is also selcted in ableton midi preferences))

    It’s not a Windows port sharing problem. I definitely CAN share ports inside Cubase. I am only using one ‘app’ – Cubase. It’s just that Ctrlr (as a plug-in – I’m not running it separately) cannot access any port that is referenced in Cubase’s MIDI Device Manager. If I remove the reference then Ctrlr accesses the port just fine. Removing the port in Cubase isn’t an option anyway – I then wouldn’t be able to play the instrument in Cubase.

    If I’m not mistaken, you’re sharing ports INSIDE the same app (Cubase). Of course this is possible without multi client drivers. But Ctrlr, even as a plugin, has to manage his own ports, independent of the host, so consider it as another app, just as when you use Ctrlr as a stand alone app.
    Can you use Cubase and Ctrlr standalone at the same time using the same ports?

    It seems like we have very different experiences – strange, I will check that again when I find the time…
    Cubase is special as you cannot disable or enable ports. If you don’t use a port in any tracks the port will be disabled automatically.

    I am using a MOTU Midiexpress 128. This one has definitely multi-client drivers as Ctrlr standalone and MIDIOx and any tested DAW does work in parallel. But within Cubase I cannot select the same port in Ctrlr if it is already used by Cubase. The same thing with Reaper and with Ableton Live 9. Also the same thing on my virtual Mac and Ableton Live 9.

    in Reaper the Ctrlr plugin does work almost perfect: NO selection of any ports needed! In other words, you leave the Ctrlr midi input and output device selection BLANK. Just enable input from host and output to host and set the thru setting to host to host.

    fyi I made some other experiments in Cubase:

    Input from Host does work, no problems there. Output to Host: make a second track selecting the Ctrlr ouput as input . Unfortunately Cubase will only pass program and control changes to this new track – NO sysex! Therefore this is no option either. The only way in Cubase is to set the port on Midi output of the Ctrlr plugin. Cubase can access the synth through the Ctrlr plugin by selecting thru option “host to output”. This works nicely on my setup. Of course you will have to dedicate a port for the synth (no daisy chaining). But daisy chanining using Midi Thru is no option anyway when using bidirectional panels.

    Edit: I forgot – you have to select “input from host to comparator”. “Input from host” does not work resp. is useless.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by .

    yes the MKS-70 uses NRPN MIDI-CC’s for most parameter (tone parameters) but it needs sysex for the patch parameters and also the librarian is using nothing but sysex. So you will miss a lot of functionality when you go the no-sysex way.

    Why is it not acceptable for you to dedicate a MIDI port for Ctrlr and the MKS-70?

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